My nutrition journal + meal prepping + food accountability journey

Since January, I’ve been gaining weight in small increments.

At first, I attributed it to being in a new relationship (you know date nights eating out, more drinking, more social eating) and then a global pandemic paired with stay-at-home life hit.

I’ve still been working out 5-6 days a week, varying between 30 -45 min workouts but poor nutrition and “YOLO the world is ending” approach to meal prepping hasn’t been working.

On top of that my body has been adjusting to getting off hormonal birth control and increased levels of stress.

COVID-19 + Black Lives Matter movement has caused all of us to endure heavy levels of stress and that means if you’re pairing that stress with disordered eating, your cortisol levels are going crazy!

Over time, too much cortisol throws our blood sugar level out of whack, interrupts our sleep (ever had that “tired but wired” feeling?!), leads to feelings of anxiety and depression, and affects wound healing.

A chronically high level of cortisol also puts extra fat on our bellies.

Pretty sure that’s what I’m experiencing as the majority of my body weight is located in my mid-section, and to be honest I’m doing about 100 different things!

Running a marketing department, managing remote teams, hosting my Busy Girl Fit Club virtual bootcamps, producing a podcast and also managing my own wellness + treating a recovering plantar facisitic—- it’s a lot and I don’t often see it until it manifests in my body.

So what am I going to do?

  1. Follow timed nutrition

  2. Follow 80 Day Obsession workouts (60 min sessions targeting abs, arms, bootay)

  3. Publish my weekly meal plan

  4. Track what I actually eat against said meal plan

  5. Post my measurements + before/after results every 30 days

I need the public accountability and a “project” to keep me on track! Plus I know so many people struggle with what to eat, when to eat it, and how to cook it.

Week 1: coming soon

June 17th - June 24th

Meal Plan:

What I actually ate:


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